FOL Annual Meeting Report

by Eva Hunter, FOL Director

The Foundation of Light Annual Meeting was held on July 28, 2024. After a delightful potluck meal and tour of the property, the meeting portion of the evening got underway, led by FOL’s President, Ira Kamp. Reports were presented, an election was held, and attendees were guided through an abundance meditation. At the end of the meeting, we participated in an empowerment exercise of breaking boards with our hands or feet!

At the board member election, Tony ‘Zahir’ Simons, Henry ‘Beauty’ Peterson, and Sharon Dickerson were nominated and approved unanimously, and Sharon was informed that as a new board member there will be a 3-6 month period of evaluation before she becomes a permanent member of the board of directors. Our Treasurer, Cyndi Herrick, presented the proposed budget for this fiscal year, which includes a 66% increase in revenue and expenses. The proposal was accepted unanimously.

Here are links to the reports presented at the meeting: Director’s Report, 2024-25 Budget, Goals for FY 24-25. If you have any questions or have an interest in finding out more about becoming a board member, please contact Eva Hunter at